Wednesday, 12 October 2011


this is the animatic we made for our story board, I have never made an animatic before. 

the process of making the story board was long and frustrating, as soon as we thought we had it some new problem would arise. 
for the story boards I started out by drawing the individual performance shots, then later realising that I had left many out, after I had started to deal with this problem, we changed the number of people in the band and what they play so some of the shots are irrelevant. 

the process of editing had taken longer than I had hoped, but in the end we finished it. 
after having had a chat to the set designers here we decided that the electric feel needed to be more of a capitalised point in the video. this video is more of basic visual outline for the video than an accurate representation. 

for the editing stage of this part I found it more stagnant and boring visually than other projects I have edited, the process was enjoyable as it did mean that we didn't have to get the cuts to be accurate to what is going on, it was more of a base outline. 

we started the process by placing the clips into bins (files)

we also named each individual shot as this made the process faster and stopped us having to find each shot every time we wanted the shot in.

this is what the full editing program we used looks like.

for the editing we found the beats and edited them to it.  this bar above shows how we found the highest and loudest beat in the bar to know where to cut accordingly.
This is a screen recording, from when we edited our animatic:

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